Nective Lan

Nective Light

The Gateway to Smartphone Control

Bridge between applications and Nective Light modules.

Through the Nective Lan module, the building can be controlled via the BMS system and the Android or IOS smartphone application. In a system consisting of multiple Nective Light modules, it is sufficient to add one LAN module, which as a standalone unit collects data arriving on the Nective system bus, then forwards it to the application, and similarly forwards commands from the application to the modules through the same bus.

The Advantages of Nective Lan

Easy installation

It is sufficient to connect only the CAN and LAN cables.

Automatic connection

The module automatically connects to the Nective server.


Automatic configuration

The LAN module automatically recognizes the elements of the Nective system and displays them in the application.


Users can control the building only with knowledge of the building ID and appropriate permissions.

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